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Bem Vindo ao Joomla!
If you've read anything at all about Content Management Systems (CMS), you'll probably know at least three things: CMS are the most exciting way to do business, CMS can be really, I mean really, complicated and lastly Portals are absolutely, outrageously, often unaffordably expensive.

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Joomla! is set to change all that ... Joomla! is different from the normal models for portal software. For a start, it's not complicated. Joomla! has been developed for the masses. It's licensed under the GNU/GPL license, easy to install and administer and reliable. Joomla! doesn't even require the user or administrator of the system to know HTML to operate it once it's up and running.
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Newsflash 1
Joomla! 1.0 - 'Experiência da Liberdade'!. Nunca foi tão fácil criar seu próprio site dinamico. Administre todo o conteudo com a melhor interface de administrar CMS.
Newsflash 2
Ontem, em todos os servidores nos EUA entraram em greve numa tentativa de obter mais RAM e melhor CPUs. Uma pessoa de raios disse que a necessidade de uma melhor RAM foi devido a alguns enganar o aumento da velocidade front-side bus. No futuro, serao contatados busses para reduzir a velocidade de placa-mãe residencial.


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